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디자인 특징
전체 쇼핑몰 내에서 4개의 직경 1118m, 길이 38m 의 파이프를 대칭하고, 다른 기능구에 따라 디자인의 풍속.Forexampple, in refririgeration, cooling and freezer areas: In order not to break coreak cold chain thesin the e e areain in the areas and air flow mmmmdealwas pppppppppppppppppppppppppplaine e, in in thain in in in in the esese in in the ain in the areas a in in in the areas anin the areas anin the areas anin in in in the areas anin in in in in the areas anin the areas anin the armodel and end air velocity was limited to 0.3 m/s since customer flow was not very lage;In check-out.
응용 특징:
Uniform airflow with great comfort, easy to instalation and cleaning and maintenance, energy-saving and economic